Hello and thank you very much for participating in my study!
I'm writing my bachelor thesis under the supervision of the Entertainment Computing Group(https://www.ecg.uni-due.de/home/home.html) at the University Duisburg-Essen, this study is a vital part of it, thanks again for being here to support me.
This survey has two parts:
The first part would take 2 min to finish. At the end of the first part, you will see a message that says "Please play a solo ranked Dota 2 match now and then continue.".
After you finish the match, please come back and take about 8 min to finish the second part.
Of course, your participation is entirely voluntary. Feel free to leave without giving any reason at any time.
During the study, your Steam ID will be asked in order to collect in-game statistics.
For all questions, there are no right or wrong answers. Please state your most honest opinion. Your answers will be anonymized and you will not be traced back personally in any possible way. Also, they will only be used for scientific purposes and never be handed to any third party.
Please do not close your browser during the game. To prevent possible data loss you can save your progress. To do so please click on "resume later" button on the top right corner. Your progress will be saved. You can then proceed with the survey later.
Please never click the "back" button on your browser, otherwise all entered data will be lost.